Laser Treatment for Smoking

laser treatment for smoking


Millions of individuals fight a smoking addiction throughout the globe. Smoking has been shown to have negative consequences on physical health, including a higher risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Yet, the negative psychological impacts of nicotine addiction can also result in depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems.

Despite the numerous cessation therapies available, quitting smoking can be challenging and a lifelong endeavour.

What is Laser Therapy?

A concentrated beam of light is used in laser therapy, a sort of treatment, to activate particular body parts. It is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that has been used for pain management, weight loss, and relieving stress among other conditions. In laser treatment for quitting smoking, certain acupuncture points on the face, ears, wrists, and hands are targeted using low-level lasers.

How does laser therapy work?

The low-level laser therapy utilized in smoking cessation treatment stimulates the laser acupuncture points gently and painlessly. This stimulation causes the release of endorphins, which the body naturally generates and which are in charge of a sensation of relaxation and well-being. Endorphins can be used to reduce the urge for nicotine and other addictive substances.

Laser Therapy for Smoking Cessation Program

The Role of laser therapy in smoking cessation

The main goal of laser quit smoking treatment is to lessen withdrawal symptoms and nicotine cravings. This can boost the probability of success and help make the quitting process more bearable. With other cessation therapies including behaviour modification plans, nicotine substitutes, and prescription medications, laser therapy is frequently used.

The Pros and Cons of Laser Therapy for Smoking Cessation

The advantages of laser therapy

One of its primary advantages is that laser treatment for quitting smoking is non-invasive and drug-free. The use of laser treatment thus has no adverse side effects. Also, because laser therapy is a quick kind of treatment that frequently lasts less than an hour each session, it is convenient for those with busy schedules. In addition, laser therapy is thought to be more affordable than alternative cessation methods like medications and nicotine substitutes.

The drawbacks of laser therapy

The fact that most insurance companies do not cover laser therapy is one of its major downsides, meaning that patients can be required to pay out of cash for the procedure. Individual differences in how well laser therapy works can also affect efficacy; it is successful to a high degree for most people, however, some patients may not benefit at all from the procedure.

The Procedure of Laser Therapy for Smoking Cessation

What to expect during laser treatment

The client sits or reclines during a session of laser treatment to help them quit smoking. Thereafter, specific acupuncture points on the face, ears, wrists, and hands are treated with low level laser therapy. These points are said to correlate to the physical areas that smoking addiction affects. The laser assists in triggering the body’s natural endorphins, which promote relaxation and lower levels of stress. Also, it aids in reducing customers’ withdrawal symptoms and nicotine cravings, which makes it simpler for them to stop smoking.

Low-level laser treatment is a non-invasive, drug-free method that excludes any additional substances and their interactions. It is a thorough technique that helps individuals stop smoking by addressing both the psychological issues related to addiction and the physical craving for nicotine.

The key factor influencing people’s decisions to use laser treatment for quitting smoking is that it works.

60% of smokers who had laser therapy remained smoke-free six months after their initial treatment, according to University of Minnesota research. Compared to other smoking cessation methods like prescription medications and nicotine replacement therapy, this strategy has a better success rate.

The speed of laser treatment for quitting smoking is an additional benefit. A typical session lasts around 30 minutes, and clients may get back to their regular daily activities right away. No downtime or recovery time is necessary.
However, there are certain disadvantages to laser therapy that patients should think about before starting treatment.

Affordable Treatment

One of them is the cost. Laser therapy is an additional cost that insurance companies could not cover, despite the fact that it is quite affordable compared to other treatments. Also, clients should be advised that laser treatment is not a guarantee for stopping smoking and that some people could require more sessions.

The process of laser treatment for quitting smoking is simple. Typically, clients make an appointment at a laser therapy centre, and the therapist does an initial assessment to determine the client’s appropriateness for treatment. Afterwards, the therapist will go over the steps and what to anticipate during laser therapy.

The patient receives the treatment while seated comfortably in a chair, with the low-level laser being used by the therapist to target particular acupuncture points on the face, ears, wrists, and hands. Throughout the procedure, clients often feel a warm, tingling feeling that is not unpleasant.

Depending on the demands and objectives of the person, the length and frequency of laser therapy vary. While some customers might only need one session, others could need numerous sessions spread out over several weeks. The client and the therapist will collaborate to create a tailored treatment plan that is catered to their unique requirements.

The therapist will provide customers with information on how to take care of the treated regions and deal with any possible adverse effects after the treatment. Patients should follow up with their therapist after treatment to discuss their progress and get any further assistance they may require.

If you reside in Canada and are looking for a way to stop smoking, laser treatment can be a viable option for you. Laser treatment targets particular acupuncture points on the face, nose, wrists, and ears using low-level laser light. It is simpler for smokers to stop smoking because of the treatment’s stimulation of these areas, which also helps to release energy and lessen nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Drug-Free Treatment

One factor contributing to laser treatment’s popularity as a smoking cessation therapy is the absence of any medicines, making it a safe alternative to conventional nicotine replacement therapies. Clients who may be wary of conventional acupuncture may find this method appealing because it is non-invasive and does not include the use of needles.

In order to improve its efficacy, laser treatment can also be used in conjunction with other techniques like behaviour modification agreements. In the months after a patient’s initial course of therapy, doctors can also provide them advice on how to deal with cravings for nicotine and unexpected reductions in energy.

Although laser treatment has certain negatives, such as the requirement for more sessions, the savings from quitting smoking can more than make up for the expense. The procedure is also practical because it doesn’t require any downtime or additional preparations, requires only a few minutes, and is quick. Following the treatment, patients are free to continue their regular daily routines, including sexual activity.

Laser Helps with To Maintain Weight

For ex-smokers, weight gain is a typical worry, but laser treatment can assist by activating certain acupuncture sites associated with weight loss. To assist reduce stress levels, which might lead to weight gain, other areas can be targeted.



The leading preventable cause of death worldwide remains cigarette smoking, which raises major public health issues. Nicotine, the tobacco product’s addictive component, can cause physical dependence, making it challenging to quit smoking. To help smokers stop smoking, however, programs for treating addiction to nicotine have been developed.

To assist people in quitting smoking, these programs frequently include counselling support, medications like nicotine replacement therapy, and behaviour modification strategies. Laser therapy is a popular and successful method for quitting smoking in recent years. In order to stimulate certain acupuncture sites in the body, release energy, and encourage endorphin production, laser therapy uses low-level laser energy. The physical and mental consequences of nicotine addiction are intended to be addressed by this holistic approach. It is a fast procedure that may be finished quickly in a clinic and offer an effective treatment for most people.

Efficacy of Laser Auricular Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation. Results: Laser auricular acupuncture alone and in combination with psychological counselling can reduce nicotine dependence among smokers.
Low level laser for the stimulation of acupoints for smoking cessation. Conclusions: Laser acupoint stimulation can assist in smoking cessation by reducing the physical symptoms of withdrawal.

Quit Smoking Appointment today or Call (647) 360-9082